2.11 BSD

A bit of history here - I recorded this session before
the ethernet controller was a thing, and running SLIP 
to another machine was quite the victory. 
I should probably replace this with something more 
applicable to what PDP2011 is capable of now...

Hello, world [t44]: cpu 11/70
boot from rp:
70Boot from xp(0,0,0) at 0176700
: «
: xp(0,0,0)unix
Boot: bootdev=05000 bootcsr=0176700
2.11 BSD UNIX #115: Sat Apr 22 19:07:25 PDT 2000
phys mem  = 3932160
avail mem = 3708224
user mem  = 307200
June  8 21:37:09 init: configure system
hk ? csr 177440 vector 210 skipped:  No CSR.
ht ? csr 172440 vector 224 skipped:  No CSR.
ra ? csr 172150 vector 154 skipped:  No CSR.
rl ? csr 174400 vector 160 skipped:  No CSR.
tm ? csr 172520 vector 224 skipped:  No CSR.
tms ? csr 174500 vector 260 skipped:  No CSR.
ts ? csr 172520 vector 224 skipped:  No CSR.
xp 0 csr 176700 vector 254 attached
erase, kill ^U, intr ^C
# ^D
Fast boot ... skipping disk checks
checking quotas: done.
Assuming non-networking system ...
checking for core dump...
preserving editor files
clearing /tmp
standard daemons: update cron accounting.
starting lpd
starting local daemons: sendmail.
Thu Jun  8 21:37:44 PDT 1995
2.11 BSD UNIX (curly.2bsd.com) (console)
login: root
erase, kill ^U, intr ^C
# cd /usr/src/sys
# ls
CURLY       autoconfig  machine     netinet     pdpmba      vaxif
GENERIC     bootrom     mdec        netns       pdpstand    vaxuba
OTHERS      conf        net         pdp         pdpuba
QT          h           netimp      pdpif       sys
# cd conf
# cp GENERIC PDP2011
# ed PDP2011
... (lots of editing)
# cat PDP2011
# 1997/1/21 - RK added to GENERIC kernel (for use with Bob Supnik's emulator)
# 1995/12/14 - RX added to GENERIC kernel.
# 1995/07/21 - XP_PROBE removed.
# Machine configuration file for 2.11BSD distributed kernel.
# Format:
#       name    value           comments
# An item's value may be either numerical, boolean or a string; if it's
# boolean, use "YES" or "NO" to set it or unset it, respectively.  Use
# the default value and the comments field as indicators of the type of
# field it is.
# Machine type
# Split I/D and hardware floating point are required.
# UNIBUS support is always included, it only cost 1kb of text space and
# 94 bytes of D space for Qbus systems (obviously Unibus systems incur
# no penalty).
# The define Q22 has been removed.  The references to it were incorrect
# (i.e. using it to distinguish between an Emulex CS02 and a DH11) or
# inappropriate (the if_il.c driver should have been checking if a Unibus
# Map was present at runtime).
#LINEHZ         50                      # clock frequency European
LINEHZ          60                      # clock frequency USA
# PDP-11 machine type; allowable values are GENERIC, 44, 70, 73.  GENERIC
# should only be used to build a distribution kernel.  The only use of this
# option is to select the proper in-line PS instructions (references to the
# PSW use 'spl', 'mfps/mtps' or 'movb' instructions depending on the cpu type).
#PDP11          GENERIC                 # distribution kernel
#PDP11          44                      # PDP-11/44
PDP11           70                      # PDP-11/70,45,50,55
#PDP11          73                      # PDP-11/73,53,83,93,84,94
IDENT           PDP2011                 # machine name
MAXUSERS        4                       # maxusers on machine
# BOOTDEV is the letter combination denoting the autoboot device,
# or NONE if not using the autoboot feature.
BOOTDEV         NONE                    # don't autoboot
#BOOTDEV        dvhp                    # DIVA Comp/V boot device
#BOOTDEV        hk6                     # rk06 boot device
#BOOTDEV        hk7                     # rk07 boot device
#BOOTDEV        ra                      # MSCP boot device
#BOOTDEV        rl                      # rl01/02 boot device
#BOOTDEV        rm                      # rm02/03/05 boot device
#BOOTDEV        br                      # Eaton BR1537/BR1711 boot device
#BOOTDEV        sc11                    # Emulex SC11/B boot device
#BOOTDEV        sc21                    # Emulex SC21 boot device
#BOOTDEV        si                      # si 9500 boot device
# Timezone, in minutes west of GMT
#TIMEZONE       300                     # EST
#TIMEZONE       360                     # CST
#TIMEZONE       420                     # WST
TIMEZONE        -60                     # PST
DST             0                       # Daylight Savings Time (1 or 0)
# Filesystem configuration
# Rootdev, swapdev etc. should be in terms of makedev.  For example,
# if you have an SMD drive using the xp driver, rootdev would be xp0a,
# or "makedev(10,0)".  Swapdev would be the b partition, xp0b, or
# "makedev(10,1)".  The 10 is the major number of the device (the offset
# in the bdevsw table in conf.c) and the 0 and 1 are the minor numbers
# which correspond to the partitions as described in the section 4 manual
# pages.  You can also get the major numbers from the MAKEDEV script in
# /dev.
PIPEDEV         makedev(10,0)           # makedev(10,0) xp0a
ROOTDEV         makedev(10,0)           # makedev(10,0) xp0a
SWAPDEV         makedev(10,1)           # makedev(10,1) xp0b
# DUMPROUTINE indicates which dump routine should be used.  DUMPDEV
# should be in terms of makedev.  If DUMPDEV is NODEV no automatic
# dumps will be taken, and DUMPROUTINE needs to be set to "nulldev" to
# resolve the reference.  See param.h and ioconf.c for more information.
# DUMPLO should leave room for the kernel to start swapping without
# overwriting the dump.
DUMPLO          512                     # dump start address
DUMPDEV         NODEV                   # makedev(10,1) xp0b
DUMPROUTINE     nulldev                 # no dump routine.
#DUMPROUTINE    hkdump                  # hk driver dump routine
#DUMPROUTINE    hpdump                  # hp driver dump routine
#DUMPROUTINE    radump                  # ra driver dump routine
#DUMPROUTINE    rldump                  # rl driver dump routine
#DUMPROUTINE    rmdump                  # rm driver dump routine
#DUMPROUTINE    brdump                  # br driver dump routine
#DUMPROUTINE    sidump                  # si driver dump routine
#DUMPROUTINE    xpdump                  # xp driver dump routine
#DUMPROUTINE    tmsdump                 # tms driver dump routine
# KERNEL CONFIGURATION                  #
BADSECT         NO                      # bad-sector forwarding
EXTERNALITIMES  YES                     # map out inode time values
UCB_CLIST       NO                      # clists moved from kernel data space
QUOTA           NO                      # dynamic file system quotas
                                        # NOTE -- *very* expensive
SOFUB_MAP       NO                      # Software UNIBUS/QBUS map.  Permits
                                        # use of 18 bit controllers in a 22 bit
                                        # Qbus system.  Normally NO except for
                                        # the GENERIC kernel or if you actually
                                        # have an 18 bit RX02 on a Qbus system.
# UCB_METER is fairly expensive, but various programs (iostat, vmstat, etc)
# use it.
UCB_METER       YES                     # vmstat performance metering
# NBUF is the size of the buffer cache, and is directly related to the UNIBUS
# mapping registers.  There are 32 total mapping registers, of which 30 are
# available.  The 0'th is used for CLISTS, and the 31st is used for the I/O
# page on some PDP's.  It's suggested that you allow 7 mapping registers
# per UNIBUS character device so that you can move 56K of data on each device
# simultaneously.  The rest should be assigned to the block buffer pool.  So,
# if you have a DR-11 and a TM-11, you would leave 14 unassigned for them and
# allocate 16 to the buffer pool.  Since each mapping register addresses 8
# buffers for a 1K file system, NBUF would be 128.  A possible exception would
# be to reduce the buffers to save on data space, as they were 24 bytes each
# Should be 'small' for GENERIC, so room for kernel + large program to run.
NBUF            128
# DIAGNOSTIC does various run-time checks, some of which are pretty
# expensive and at a high priority.  Suggested use is when the kernel
# is crashing and you don't know why, otherwise run with it off.
DIAGNOSTIC      NO                      # misc. diagnostic loops and checks
NBR             0               # EATON BR1537/BR1711, BR1538A, B, C, D
NHK             0               # RK611, RK06/07
NRAC            0               # NRAD controllers
NRAD            0               # RX50, RC25, RD51/52/53, RA60/80/81
NRK             0               # RK05
NRL             0               # RL01/02
NRX             0               # RX02
NSI             0               # SI 9500 driver for CDC 9766 disks
NXPC            1               # NXPD controllers (RH70/RH11 style)
NXPD            2               # RM02/03/05, RP04/05/06, CDC 9766,
                                # Ampex 9300, Diva, Fuji 160, SI Eagle.
NRAM            0               # RAM disk size (512-byte blocks)
NHT             0               # TE16, TU45, TU77
# Setting AVIVTM configures the TM driver for the AVIV 800/1600/6250
# controller (the standard DEC TM only supports 800BPI).  For more details,
# see /sys/pdpuba/tm.c.
NTM             0               # TM11
AVIVTM          NO              # AVIV 800/1600/6250 controller
NTS             0               # TS11
NTMSCP          0               # TMSCP controllers
NTMS            0               # TMSCP drives
TMSCP_DEBUG     NO              # debugging code in TMSCP drive (EXPENSIVE)
# PERIPHERALS: TERMINALS                #
# NKL includes both KL11's and DL11's.
# It should always be at least 1, for the console.
NKL             2               # KL11, DL11
NDH             0               # DH11; NDH is in units of boards (16 each)
CS02            NO              # DH units above are really Emulex CS02
                                # boards on a 22bit Qbus.
NDM             0               # DM11; NDM is in units of boards (16 each)
NDHU            0               # DHU11
NDHV            0               # DHV11
NDZ             0               # DZ11; NDZ is in units of boards (8 each)
# PERIPHERALS: OTHER                    #
NDN             0               # DN11 dialer
NLP             0               # Line Printer
LP_MAXCOL       132             # Maximum number of columns on line printers
NDR             0               # DR11-W
# Networking only works with split I/D and SUPERVISOR space, i.e. with the
# 11/44/53/70/73/83/84/93,94.  NETHER should be non-zero for networking
# systems using any ethernet.  CHECKSTACK makes sure the networking stack
# pointer and the kernel stack pointer don't collide; it's *very* expensive
# at 4 extra instructions for EVERY function call AND return, always left
# NO unless doing serious debugging.
INET            YES             # TCP/IP
CHECKSTACK      NO              # Kernel & Supervisor stack pointer checking
NETHER          0               # ether pseudo-device
# Note, PTY's and the select(2) system call do not require the kernel to
# be configured for networking (INET).  Note that you can allocate PTY's
# in any number (multiples of 8, of 16, even, odd, prime, whatever).  Nothing
# in the kernel cares.  PTY's cost 78 bytes apiece in kernel data space.  You
# should probably have at least 8-10 since several applications use them:
# script, jove, window, rlogin, ...
NPTY            8               # pseudo-terminals - GENERIC sys needs NONE
NEC             0               # 3Com Ethernet
NDE             0               # DEUNA/DELUA
NIL             0               # Interlan Ethernet
NSL             0               # Serial Line IP
NQE             0               # DEQNA
NQT             0               # DEQTA (DELQA-YM, DELQA-PLUS)
NVV             0               # V2LNI (Pronet)
NACC            0               # ACC LH/DH ARPAnet IMP interface
PLI             NO              # LH/DH is connected to a PLI
NIMP            0               # ARPAnet IMP 1822 interface
# The following are untested in 2.11BSD; some are untested since before 2.9BSD
# Some won't even compile.  Most will require modification.  Good luck.
ENABLE34        NO              # if have the ENABLE34 board
NCSS            0               # DEC/CSS IMP11-A ARPAnet IMP interface
NDMC            0               # DMC11
NEN             0               # Xerox prototype (3 Mb) Ethernet
NHY             0               # Hyperchannel
NS              0               # Xerox NS (XNS)
NSRI            0               # SRI DR11c ARPAnet IMP
NTB             0               # RS232 interface for Genisco/Hitachi tablets
# Defining FPSIM to YES compiles a floating point simulator into the kernel
# which will catch floating point instruction traps from user space.  This
# doesn't work at present.
FPSIM           NO                      # floating point simulator
# To enable profiling, the :splfix script must be changed to use spl6 instead
# of spl7 (see conf/:splfix.profile), also, you have to have a machine with a
# supervisor PAR/PDR pair, i.e. an 11/44/45/50/53/55/70/73/83/84, as well
# as both a KW11-L and a KW11-P.
# Note that profiling is not currently working.  We don't have any plans on
# fixing it, so this is essentially a non-supported feature.
PROFILE         NO              # system profiling with KW11P clock
INGRES          NO              # include the Ingres lock driver
# ./config PDP2011
Creating ../PDP2011.
Copying standard files to ../PDP2011.
Setting configuration options for PDP2011.
Creating device header files.
Creating Makefile for PDP2011.
# cd ../PDP2011
# make
make -f Make.sys I=/usr/include H=../h M=../machine AS="/bin/as -V" CPP="/lib/cpp -P -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h"  CFLAGS="-O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h" SED="/bin/sed"
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/init_main.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX init_main.s | /bin/as -V -u -o init_main.o
rm -f init_main.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/init_sysent.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX init_sysent.s | /bin/as -V -u -o init_sysent.o
rm -f init_sysent.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_acct.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_acct.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_acct.o
rm -f kern_acct.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_clock.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_clock.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_clock.o
rm -f kern_clock.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_descrip.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_descrip.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_descrip.o
rm -f kern_descrip.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_exec.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_exec.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_exec.o
rm -f kern_exec.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_exit.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_exit.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_exit.o
rm -f kern_exit.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_fork.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_fork.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_fork.o
rm -f kern_fork.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_mman.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_mman.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_mman.o
rm -f kern_mman.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_proc.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_proc.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_proc.o
rm -f kern_proc.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_prot.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_prot.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_prot.o
rm -f kern_prot.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_resource.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_resource.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_resource.o
rm -f kern_resource.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_sig.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_sig.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_sig.o
rm -f kern_sig.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_sysctl.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_sysctl.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_sysctl.o
rm -f kern_sysctl.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_prot2.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_prot2.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_prot2.o
rm -f kern_prot2.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_sig2.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_sig2.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_sig2.o
rm -f kern_sig2.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_subr.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_subr.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_subr.o
rm -f kern_subr.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_synch.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_synch.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_synch.o
rm -f kern_synch.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_time.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_time.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_time.o
rm -f kern_time.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/kern_xxx.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX kern_xxx.s | /bin/as -V -u -o kern_xxx.o
rm -f kern_xxx.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/quota_sys.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX quota_sys.s | /bin/as -V -u -o quota_sys.o
rm -f quota_sys.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/quota_kern.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX quota_kern.s | /bin/as -V -u -o quota_kern.o
rm -f quota_kern.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/quota_ufs.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX quota_ufs.s | /bin/as -V -u -o quota_ufs.o
rm -f quota_ufs.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/quota_subr.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX quota_subr.s | /bin/as -V -u -o quota_subr.o
rm -f quota_subr.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/subr_log.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX subr_log.s | /bin/as -V -u -o subr_log.o
rm -f subr_log.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/subr_prf.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX subr_prf.s | /bin/as -V -u -o subr_prf.o
rm -f subr_prf.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/subr_rmap.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX subr_rmap.s | /bin/as -V -u -o subr_rmap.o
rm -f subr_rmap.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/ingreslock.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX ingreslock.s | /bin/as -V -u -o ingreslock.o
rm -f ingreslock.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/subr_xxx.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX subr_xxx.s | /bin/as -V -u -o subr_xxx.o
rm -f subr_xxx.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/sys_generic.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX sys_generic.s | /bin/as -V -u -o sys_generic.o
rm -f sys_generic.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/sys_inode.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX sys_inode.s | /bin/as -V -u -o sys_inode.o
rm -f sys_inode.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/sys_kern.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX sys_kern.s | /bin/as -V -u -o sys_kern.o
rm -f sys_kern.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/sys_pipe.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX sys_pipe.s | /bin/as -V -u -o sys_pipe.o
rm -f sys_pipe.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/sys_process.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX sys_process.s | /bin/as -V -u -o sys_process.o
rm -f sys_process.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/syscalls.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX syscalls.s | /bin/as -V -u -o syscalls.o
rm -f syscalls.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/tty.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX tty.s | /bin/as -V -u -o tty.o
rm -f tty.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/tty_conf.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX tty_conf.s | /bin/as -V -u -o tty_conf.o
rm -f tty_conf.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/tty_pty.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX tty_pty.s | /bin/as -V -u -o tty_pty.o
rm -f tty_pty.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/tty_subr.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX tty_subr.s | /bin/as -V -u -o tty_subr.o
rm -f tty_subr.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/tty_tb.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX tty_tb.s | /bin/as -V -u -o tty_tb.o
rm -f tty_tb.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/tty_tty.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX tty_tty.s | /bin/as -V -u -o tty_tty.o
rm -f tty_tty.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/ufs_alloc.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX ufs_alloc.s | /bin/as -V -u -o ufs_alloc.o
rm -f ufs_alloc.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/ufs_bio.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX ufs_bio.s | /bin/as -V -u -o ufs_bio.o
rm -f ufs_bio.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/ufs_bmap.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX ufs_bmap.s | /bin/as -V -u -o ufs_bmap.o
rm -f ufs_bmap.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -S ../sys/ufs_dsort.c
/bin/sed -f SPLFIX ufs_dsort.s | /bin/as -V -u -o ufs_dsort.o
rm -f ufs_dsort.s
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rm -f ufs_fio.s
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rm -f ufs_inode.s
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rm -f ufs_mount.s
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rm -f ufs_subr.s
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rm -f clock.s
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../machine/conf.c:191: warning: mixed pointer assignment
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rm -f ram.s
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rm -f trap.s
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rm -f rx.s
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rm -f si.s
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/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX idp_usrreq.s | /bin/as -V -u -o idp_usrreq.o
rm -f idp_usrreq.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../netns/spp_usrreq.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX spp_usrreq.s | /bin/as -V -u -o spp_usrreq.o
rm -f spp_usrreq.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../netns/spp_debug.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX spp_debug.s | /bin/as -V -u -o spp_debug.o
rm -f spp_debug.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../pdpif/if_acc.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX if_acc.s | /bin/as -V -u -o if_acc.o
rm -f if_acc.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../pdpif/if_css.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX if_css.s | /bin/as -V -u -o if_css.o
rm -f if_css.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../pdpif/if_de.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX if_de.s | /bin/as -V -u -o if_de.o
rm -f if_de.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../pdpif/if_dmc.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX if_dmc.s | /bin/as -V -u -o if_dmc.o
rm -f if_dmc.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../pdpif/if_ec.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX if_ec.s | /bin/as -V -u -o if_ec.o
rm -f if_ec.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../pdpif/if_en.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX if_en.s | /bin/as -V -u -o if_en.o
rm -f if_en.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../pdpif/if_il.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX if_il.s | /bin/as -V -u -o if_il.o
rm -f if_il.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../pdpif/if_qe.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX if_qe.s | /bin/as -V -u -o if_qe.o
rm -f if_qe.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../pdpif/if_qt.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX if_qt.s | /bin/as -V -u -o if_qt.o
rm -f if_qt.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../pdpif/if_sri.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX if_sri.s | /bin/as -V -u -o if_sri.o
rm -f if_sri.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../pdpif/if_uba.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX if_uba.s | /bin/as -V -u -o if_uba.o
rm -f if_uba.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../pdpif/if_vv.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX if_vv.s | /bin/as -V -u -o if_vv.o
rm -f if_vv.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../sys/sys_socket.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX sys_socket.s | /bin/as -V -u -o sys_socket.o
rm -f sys_socket.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../sys/sys_net.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX sys_net.s | /bin/as -V -u -o sys_net.o
rm -f sys_net.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../sys/uipc_domain.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX uipc_domain.s | /bin/as -V -u -o uipc_domain.o
rm -f uipc_domain.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../sys/uipc_mbuf.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX uipc_mbuf.s | /bin/as -V -u -o uipc_mbuf.o
rm -f uipc_mbuf.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../sys/uipc_proto.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX uipc_proto.s | /bin/as -V -u -o uipc_proto.o
rm -f uipc_proto.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../sys/uipc_socket.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX uipc_socket.s | /bin/as -V -u -o uipc_socket.o
rm -f uipc_socket.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../sys/uipc_socket2.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX uipc_socket2.s | /bin/as -V -u -o uipc_socket2.o
rm -f uipc_socket2.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../sys/uipc_usrreq.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX uipc_usrreq.s | /bin/as -V -u -o uipc_usrreq.o
rm -f uipc_usrreq.s
make -f Make.pdpnet I=/usr/include H=../h M=../machine AS="/bin/as -V"  CPP="/lib/cpp -P -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR" CFLAGS="-O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR"  SED="/bin/sed" ED="/bin/ed"
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../machine/enable34.c
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX enable34.s | /bin/as -V -u -o enable34.o
rm -f enable34.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR -S ../machine/in_cksum.c
/bin/ed - < ../machine/cksum-fix > /dev/null in_cksum.s
/bin/sed -f NETSPLFIX in_cksum.s | /bin/as -V -u -o in_cksum.o
rm -f in_cksum.s
/lib/cpp -P -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR ../machine/net_copy.s | /bin/as -V -u -o net_copy.o
/lib/cpp -P -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR ../machine/net_csv.s | /bin/as -V -u -o net_csv.o
/lib/cpp -P -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR ../machine/net_mbuf.s | /bin/as -V -u -o net_mbuf.o
/lib/cpp -P -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR ../machine/net_scb.s | /bin/as -V -u -o net_scb.o
/lib/cpp -P -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR ../machine/net_SKcall.s | /bin/as -V -u -o net_SKcall.o
/lib/cpp -P -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR ../machine/net_trap.s | /bin/as -V -u -o net_trap.o
/lib/cpp -P -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -DSUPERVISOR ../machine/net_xxx.s | /bin/as -V -u -o net_xxx.o
cc -c -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h ioconf.c
/lib/cpp -P -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h boot.s | /bin/as -V -o boot.o
sh ../conf/newvers.sh
cc -c vers.c
cc -S -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h param.c
/bin/ed - param.s < ../conf/:comm-to-bss
/bin/as -V - -o param.o param.s
rm -f param.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -o netbind ../conf/netbind.c
ld -q -r -d -X -i -o unix.o scb.o  mch_backup.o mch_click.o mch_copy.o mch_csv.o  mch_dump.o mch_dzpdma.o mch_KScall.o mch_profile.o  mch_start.o mch_trap.o mch_vars.o mch_xxx.o conf.o ioconf.o boot.o br.o cons.o dh.o dhu.o dhv.o dr.o dz.o hk.o ht.o init_sysent.o  kern_clock.o kern_descrip.o kern_mman.o kern_proc.o kern_prot.o  kern_prot2.o kern_subr.o kern_synch.o lp.o machdep.o ra.o ram.o  rk.o rl.o rx.o si.o subr_rmap.o sys_inode.o sys_kern.o  tm.o ts.o tty.o tty_conf.o tty_subr.o tty_tb.o ufs_alloc.o  ufs_bio.o ufs_fio.o ufs_inode.o ufs_namei.o  vm_proc.o vm_sched.o vm_swap.o xp.o quota_subr.o  -Z sys_generic.o ufs_syscalls.o vfs_vnops.o -Z kern_acct.o kern_exec.o kern_exit.o kern_fork.o kern_resource.o -Z kern_time.o sys_process.o ufs_mount.o ufs_subr.o uipc_syscalls.o -Z dkbad.o kern_sig.o mem.o subr_xxx.o trap.o tty_pty.o tty_tty.o -Z quota_kern.o quota_ufs.o quota_sys.o ufs_bmap.o    sys_pipe.o -Z clock.o dn.o init_main.o kern_pdp.o machdep2.o subr_prf.o syscalls.o  subr_log.o toy.o vm_swp.o  -Z ufs_disksubr.o ufs_dsort.o ufs_syscalls2.o kern_sig2.o -Z mch_fpsim.o kern_sysctl.o kern_xxx.o ingreslock.o vm_text.o -Z tmscp.o tmscpdump.o -Z  -Z  -Z   -Z  -Z  -Z  -Y  enable34.o vers.o -lkern param.o
ld -q -r -d -X -i -o netnix.o net_copy.o net_csv.o  net_mbuf.o net_scb.o net_SKcall.o net_trap.o net_xxx.o af.o idp_usrreq.o if.o if_acc.o if_css.o if_de.o  if_dmc.o if_ec.o if_en.o if_ether.o if_il.o if_imp.o if_imphost.o  if_loop.o if_qe.o if_qt.o if_sl.o if_sri.o if_uba.o if_vv.o in.o  in_cksum.o in_pcb.o in_proto.o ip_icmp.o ip_input.o ip_output.o  ns.o ns_error.o ns_input.o ns_ip.o ns_output.o ns_pcb.o  ns_proto.o raw_cb.o raw_imp.o raw_ip.o  raw_usrreq.o route.o spp_debug.o spp_usrreq.o sys_socket.o  sys_net.o tcp_debug.o tcp_input.o tcp_output.o tcp_subr.o  tcp_timer.o tcp_usrreq.o udp_usrreq.o uipc_domain.o uipc_mbuf.o  uipc_proto.o uipc_socket.o uipc_socket2.o uipc_usrreq.o -lkern
./netbind unix.o netnix.o
rm unix.o netnix.o
/bin/as -V - -o d.unix.o d.unix.s
/bin/as -V - -o d.netnix.o d.netnix.s
cc -O -DKERNEL -DPDP2011 -DUCB_METER -DINET -I. -I../h -o checksys ../conf/checksys.c
ld -X -i -o unix scb.o  mch_backup.o mch_click.o mch_copy.o mch_csv.o  mch_dump.o mch_dzpdma.o mch_KScall.o mch_profile.o  mch_start.o mch_trap.o mch_vars.o mch_xxx.o conf.o ioconf.o boot.o br.o cons.o dh.o dhu.o dhv.o dr.o dz.o hk.o ht.o init_sysent.o  kern_clock.o kern_descrip.o kern_mman.o kern_proc.o kern_prot.o  kern_prot2.o kern_subr.o kern_synch.o lp.o machdep.o ra.o ram.o  rk.o rl.o rx.o si.o subr_rmap.o sys_inode.o sys_kern.o  tm.o ts.o tty.o tty_conf.o tty_subr.o tty_tb.o ufs_alloc.o  ufs_bio.o ufs_fio.o ufs_inode.o ufs_namei.o  vm_proc.o vm_sched.o vm_swap.o xp.o quota_subr.o  -Z sys_generic.o ufs_syscalls.o vfs_vnops.o -Z kern_acct.o kern_exec.o kern_exit.o kern_fork.o kern_resource.o -Z kern_time.o sys_process.o ufs_mount.o ufs_subr.o uipc_syscalls.o -Z dkbad.o kern_sig.o mem.o subr_xxx.o trap.o tty_pty.o tty_tty.o -Z quota_kern.o quota_ufs.o quota_sys.o ufs_bmap.o       sys_pipe.o -Z clock.o dn.o init_main.o kern_pdp.o machdep2.o subr_prf.o syscalls.o  subr_log.o toy.o vm_swp.o  -Z ufs_disksubr.o ufs_dsort.o ufs_syscalls2.o kern_sig2.o -Z mch_fpsim.o kern_sysctl.o kern_xxx.o ingreslock.o vm_text.o -Z tmscp.o tmscpdump.o -Z  -Z  -Z   -Z  -Z  -Z  -Y  enable34.o vers.o -lkern param.o d.unix.o
size unix
text    data    bss     dec     hex
49792   5234    20044   75070   1253e   total text: 101376
        overlays: 7808,7488,7872,7296,2240,8192,4992,5696
Compacting symbol table
symcompact unix
symcompact: 225 symbols removed
Compacting strings table
strcompact unix
rearranging symbols
symorder ../pdp/symbols.sort unix
./checksys unix
System will occupy 279328 bytes of memory (including buffers and clists).
               end {0061276}          nbuf {0012120}           buf {0035276}
             nproc {0012106}          proc {0051442}         ntext {0012110}
              text {0060336}         nfile {0012114}          file {0056356}
            ninode {0012112}         inode {0012240}      ncallout {0012116}
           callout {0026112}     ucb_clist {0012124}        nclist {0012122}
          ram_size {0000000}       xitdesc {0012236}      quotdesc {0000000}
         namecache {0034760}       _iosize {0000000}          nlog {0011164}
ld -X -i -o netnix net_copy.o net_csv.o  net_mbuf.o net_scb.o net_SKcall.o net_trap.o net_xxx.o af.o idp_usrreq.o if.o if_acc.o if_css.o if_de.o  if_dmc.o if_ec.o if_en.o if_ether.o if_il.o if_imp.o if_imphost.o  if_loop.o if_qe.o if_qt.o if_sl.o if_sri.o if_uba.o if_vv.o in.o  in_cksum.o in_pcb.o in_proto.o ip_icmp.o ip_input.o ip_output.o  ns.o ns_error.o ns_input.o ns_ip.o ns_output.o ns_pcb.o  ns_proto.o raw_cb.o raw_imp.o raw_ip.o  raw_usrreq.o route.o spp_debug.o spp_usrreq.o sys_socket.o  sys_net.o tcp_debug.o tcp_input.o tcp_output.o tcp_subr.o  tcp_timer.o tcp_usrreq.o udp_usrreq.o uipc_domain.o uipc_mbuf.o  uipc_proto.o uipc_socket.o uipc_socket2.o uipc_usrreq.o -lkern d.netnix.o
size netnix
text    data    bss     dec     hex
53888   1924    36732   92544   16980
Compacting symbol table
symcompact netnix
symcompact: 224 symbols removed
Compacting strings table - this will take a few minutes
strcompact netnix
rearranging symbols
symorder ../pdp/symbols.sort netnix
# make install
install -c -o root -g kmem -m 744 unix /unix
install -c -o root -g kmem -m 744 netnix /netnix
# cd /etc
# ed dtab
# Device Configuration Table
#Name Unit# Addr Vector Br      Handler(s)      # Comments
# dr    ? 172410 124    5       drintr          # dr11-w (b-bus emulator)
# dr    ? 172430 130    5       drintr          # dr11-w (gc-bus emulator)
# dr    ? 172450 134    5       drintr          # dr11-w (em-2 interface)
# du    ? 160020 310    5       dhurint dhuxint # dhu11 terminal mux
# dhv   ? 160020 310    5       dhvrint dhvxint # dhv terminal mux
# dm    ? 170500 310    4       dmintr          # dm11 dh modem control
# dh    ? 160020 320    5       dhrint  dhxint  # dh11 terminal mux
# dz    ? 160100 310    5       dzrint  dzdma   # dz11 terminal mux
hk      ? 177440 210    5       hkintr          # rk611/711 rk06/07
# hp    ? 176700 254    5       hpintr          # rjp04/06, rwp04/06
ht      ? 172440 224    5       htintr          # tu 16 massbus tape
# vp    ? 177500 174    4       vpintr          # Versatec; should be before lp
# lp    ? 177514 200    4       lpintr          # lp-11 line printer
ra      ? 172150 154    5       raintr          # uda50, rqdx1/2/3
# rk    ? 177400 220    5       rkintr          # rk05
rl      ? 174400 160    5       rlintr          # rl-01/02
# rm    ? 176700 254    5       rmintr          # rjm02/rwm03, rm02/03/05
# br    ? 176710 254    5       brintr          # Eaton br1537/br1711
# rx    ? 177170 264    5       rxintr          # rx01/02
# si    ? 176700 170    5       siintr          # si9500
tm      ? 172520 224    5       tmintr          # tm11 driver
tms     ? 174500 260    5       tmsintr         # tmscp driver
ts      ? 172520 224    5       tsintr          # ts11 driver
xp      ? 176700 254    5       xpintr          # xp driver
# If you have DL11s, you must give each line an explicit unit number instead
# of using a '?' as above.  If you use a '?', autoconfig(8) will start
# assigning unit numbers starting at 0 which will effectively move your
# console to that first line.  Start your unit numbers with '1'.
# cn    1 176500 300    5       cnrint  cnxint  # kl/dl-11 (on mvx11-aa)
# The following entries are provided for information only, actual
# configuration is done elsewhere.
# acc   ? 167600        5       accin   accout  # lhdh driver
# de    ?        120    5       deintr          # deuna
# qe    ? 174440 400    5       qeintr          # deqna ethernet
# il    ? 163000 340    5       ilrint  ilcint  # interlan ethernet
# kw    ? 172540 100    6       hardclock       # kw11-p clock
# sr    ?        500    5       srirint srixint # sri dr11-c arpanet imp
# vv    ? 161000 350    5       vvrint  vvxint  # pronet
hk      ? 177440 210    5       hkintr          # rk611/711 rk06/07
s/hk/# hk/
ht      ? 172440 224    5       htintr          # tu 16 massbus tape
s/ht/# ht/
ra      ? 172150 154    5       raintr          # uda50, rqdx1/2/3
s/ra/# ra/
# rk    ? 177400 220    5       rkintr          # rk05
s/# //
tm      ? 172520 224    5       tmintr          # tm11 driver
s/tm/# tm/
tms     ? 174500 260    5       tmsintr         # tmscp driver
s/tms/# tms/
ts      ? 172520 224    5       tsintr          # ts11 driver
s/ts/# ts/
# cn    1 176500 300    5       cnrint  cnxint  # kl/dl-11 (on mvx11-aa)
s/# //
# ed ntp.conf
#               Local clock parameters
#       Stratum MUST only be defined if you are a primary clock
#               If so, include the 4 char clock type
#stratum 1 WWVB
#       Precision of the local clock to the nearest power of 2
#               ex.
#                       60-HZ   = 2**-6
#                       100-HZ  = 2**-7
#                       1000-HZ = 2**-10
precision -6
#       Peers           Type Name
# ed netstart
#!/bin/sh -
#       @(#)netstart    5.2.1 (2.11BSD) 1996/11/16
if [ $INET = YES ]; then
        echo Assuming NETWORKING system ...             >/dev/console 2>&1
        echo Assuming non-networking system ...         >/dev/console 2>&1
export INET
# DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT RUNNING ROUTED ON A PDP-11!!!  Just set routedflags
# to "NO" and set up a default gateway below.
# myname is my symbolic name
# my-netmask is specified in /etc/networks
# my-default-address should be set to some machine where you
#       want to send all your packets, by default.
hostname $hostname                                      >/dev/console 2>&1
hostid $hostname                                        >/dev/console 2>&1
if [ $INET = YES ]; then
        # ifconfig imp0 inet netmask $netmask $hostname broadcast $broadcast up -trailers >/dev/console 2>&1
        # ifconfig en0 inet netmask $netmask $hostname broadcast $broadcast up -trailers >/dev/console 2>&1
        # ifconfig ec0 inet netmask $netmask $hostname broadcast $broadcast up -trailers arp >/dev/console 2>&1
        # ifconfig il0 inet netmask $netmask $hostname broadcast $broadcast up -trailers >/dev/console 2>&1
        ifconfig qe0 inet netmask $netmask $hostname broadcast $broadcast up -trailers >/dev/console 2>&1
        # ifconfig sl0 inet -arp -trailers >/dev/console 2>&1
        # slattach /dev/ttyS6 9600
        ifconfig lo0 inet localhost up -trailers        >/dev/console 2>&1
        route add $hostname localhost 0         >/dev/console 2>&1
        route add default $default 1            >/dev/console 2>&1
1568 q
# ed ttys
# name  getty                   type            status          comments
console "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100           on secure       #special
ttyS0   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100           off secure
ttyS1   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100           off secure
ttyS2   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100           off secure
ttyS3   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100           off secure
ttyS4   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100           off secure
ttyS5   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100           off secure      #printer
ttyS6   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100           off secure
ttyS7   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100           off secure
ttyl1   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100           off secure
ttyp0   none                    network         secure
ttyp1   none                    network         secure
ttyp2   none                    network         secure
ttyp3   none                    network         secure
ttyp4   none                    network         secure
ttyp5   none                    network
ttyp6   none                    network
ttyp7   none                    network
ttyp8   none                    network
ttyp9   none                    network
ttypa   none                    network
ttypb   none                    network
ttypc   none                    network
ttypd   none                    network
ttype   none                    network
ttypf   none                    network
ttyl1   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt100           off secure
# halt
Hello, world [t44]: cpu 11/70
boot from rp:
70Boot from xp(0,0,0) at 0176700
: xp(0,0,0)unix
Boot: bootdev=05000 bootcsr=0176700
2.11 BSD UNIX #1: Thu Jun 8 21:47:57 PDT 1995
attaching lo0
phys mem  = 3932160
avail mem = 3542592
user mem  = 307200
June  8 21:47:58 init: configure system
rk ? csr 177400 vector 220 skipped:  No autoconfig routines.
rl ? csr 174400 vector 160 skipped:  No autoconfig routines.
xp 0 csr 176700 vector 254 attached
cn 1 csr 176500 vector 300 attached
erase, kill ^U, intr ^C
# ^D
Fast boot ... skipping disk checks
checking quotas: done.
Assuming NETWORKING system ...
hostid: usage: [hexnum or internet name/address]
ifconfig: ioctl (SIOCGIFFLAGS): no such interface
pdp-n2.sytse.net: bad value
add net default: gateway Network is unreachable
starting system logger
checking for core dump...
preserving editor files
clearing /tmp
standard daemons: update cron accounting.
starting network daemons: inetd rwhod printer.
Jun  8 21:48:48 pdp-n2 June  8 21:48:47 lpd[84]: unable to get network name for local machine pdp-n2.sytse.net
Jun  8 21:48:48 pdp-n2 June  8 21:48:47 lpd[85]: unable to get network name for local machine pdp-n2.sytse.net
starting local daemons: sendmail.
Thu Jun  8 21:48:52 PDT 1995
Jun  8 21:48:52 pdp-n2 June  8 21:48:52 init: kernel security level changed from 0 to 1
2.11 BSD UNIX (pdp-n2.sytse.net) (console)
login: root
erase, kill ^U, intr ^C
# telnet localhost
Connected to pdp-n2.sytse.net.
Escape character is '^]'.
2.11 BSD UNIX (pdp-n2.sytse.net)
login: rootJun  8 21:49:12 pdp-n2 June  8 21:49:12 login: ROOT LOGIN ON ttyp0 FROM
erase, kill ^U, intr ^C
# who
root            console Jun  8 21:49
root            ttyp0   Jun  8 21:49    (