RT-11SJ V04.00 .D 56=5015 .TYPE V4USER.TXT Welcome to RT-11 Version 4. RT-11 V04 provides new hardware support and some major enhancements over Version 3B. Please use the HELP command; it describes the new options in many of the utilities. If you are using a terminal that requires fill characters, modify location 56 with a Deposit command before proceeding with system installation. LA36 DECwriter II and VT52 DECscope terminals do NOT require such modification. .D 56=0 .SHOW ALL RT-11SJ V04.00 Booted from RK0:RT11SJ Resident Monitor base is 150144 (53348.) USR is set SWAP TT is set NOQUIET Indirect file abort level is ERROR Indirect file nesting depth is 3 PDP 11/45,50,55 Processor FP11 Hardware Floating Point Unit Extended Instruction Set (EIS) KT11 Memory Management Unit 60 Cycle System Clock No SYSGEN options enabled Device Status Vector ------------------------------- DT Not installed 214 DP Not installed 254 DX Not installed 264 DY Not installed 264 RF Not installed 204 RK Resident 220 DL Not installed 160 DM Not installed 210 DS Not installed 204 DD Not installed 300 304 LP Not installed 200 LS Not installed 300 304 CR Not installed 230 MT Not installed 224 MM Not installed 224 MS Not installed 224 NL Installed 000 PC Not installed 070 074 PD Not installed CT Not installed 260 TT RK (Resident) RK0 = SY , DK BA NL 12 free slots Job Name Console Level State Low High Impure 0 RESORC 0 0 Run 000000 150102 000000 No multi-terminal support .HELP * APL Invokes the APL language interpreter ASSIGN Associates a logical device name with a physical device B Sets a relocation base BASIC Invokes the BASIC language interpreter BOOT Boots a new system CLOSE Makes background output files permanent COMPILE Translates source programs COPY Copies files CREATE Creates or extends a file at a specific place D Deposits values in memory DATE Sets or displays the current system date DEASSIGN Removes logical device name assignments DELETE Removes files from a device or queue DIBOL Invokes the DIBOL language compiler DIFFERENCES Compares two files and lists the differences DIRECTORY Lists device or file directories DUMP Prints formatted data dumps of files or devices E Prints the contents of memory on the terminal EDIT Invokes the text editor EXECUTE Translates, links, and runs a program with one command FORMAT Formats and/or verifies a volume FORTRAN Invokes the FORTRAN language compiler FRUN Loads and starts a foreground program GET Loads a memory image file into memory GT Enables or disables the VT11 or VS60 display hardware HELP Lists helpful information INITIALIZE Initializes device directories INSTALL Adds a new device handler to the system LIBRARY Creates and alters object and macro libraries LINK Produces an executable program LOAD Makes a device handler permanently resident in memory MACRO Invokes the macro assembler PRINT Prints files on the line printer R Loads and executes a memory image file REENTER Starts a program at its reentry address REMOVE Removes a device handler from the system RENAME Changes the name of a file RESET Causes a general system reset RESUME Resumes execution of a foreground or system job RUN Loads and starts a program SAVE Writes memory areas to a file SET Controls various system options SHOW Displays system hardware and software status SQUEEZE Rearranges disk files to collect unused file space SRUN Loads and starts a system job START Initiates the program in memory SUSPEND Stops execution of the foreground or system job TIME Sets or displays the system time TYPE Outputs files to the terminal UNLOAD Removes a resident device handler from memory .DIR /BR SWAP .SYS RT11SJ.SYS RT11FB.SYS RT11BL.SYS TT .SYS DT .SYS DP .SYS DX .SYS DY .SYS RF .SYS RK .SYS DL .SYS DM .SYS DS .SYS DD .SYS LP .SYS LS .SYS CR .SYS MT .SYS MTHD .SYS MM .SYS MMHD .SYS MS .SYS MSHD .SYS NL .SYS PC .SYS PD .SYS CT .SYS BA .SYS PIP .SAV DUP .SAV FORMAT.SAV RESORC.SAV DIR .SAV SYSMAC.SML EDIT .SAV KED .SAV K52 .SAV TECO .SAV MACRO .SAV MAC8K .SAV CREF .SAV LINK .SAV LIBR .SAV FILEX .SAV SRCCOM.SAV BINCOM.SAV SLP .SAV DUMP .SAV SIPP .SAV PATCH .SAV PAT .SAV HELP .SAV HELP .EXE HELP .MLB BATCH .SAV ERROUT.SAV SYSGEN.SAV SYSGEN.CND SYSTBL.CND QUEMAN.SAV QUEUE .REL README.TXT VT52 .TEC VEG .TEC EDIT .TEC INSERT.TEC LOCAL .TEC SORT .TEC VTEDIT.TEC TECO .TC SEARCH.TEC SQU .TEC TYPE .TEC TECO .INI ODT .OBJ VDT .OBJ VTMAC .MAC VTHDLR.OBJ PLOT55.OBJ TEST55.FOR SYSLIB.OBJ GETSTR.FOR PUTSTR.FOR SYSMAC.MAC MDUP .SAV MBOOT .BOT MBOT16.BOT MSBOOT.BOT SPEED .SAV DEMOBG.MAC DEMOFG.MAC DEMOX1.MAC DEMOF1.FOR DEMOED.TXT STARTS.COM STARTF.COM V4USER.TXT SJ .MAC FB .MAC XM .MAC KMON .MAC USR .MAC RMONSJ.MAC RMONFB.MAC XMSUBS.MAC KMOVLY.MAC EDTGBL.MAC BSTRAP.MAC MTTEMT.MAC MTTINT.MAC TT .MAC BA .MAC LP .MAC LS .MAC DD .MAC DL .MAC RK .MAC DT .MAC DS .MAC PC .MAC PD .MAC RF .MAC DM .MAC DX .MAC DY .MAC CR .MAC DP .MAC CT .MAC TM .MAC TJ .MAC TS .MAC NL .MAC FSM .MAC ELCOPY.MAC ELINIT.MAC ELTASK.MAC ERROUT.MAC ERRTXT.MAC DISMT1.COM DISMT2.COM SYCND .BL SYSTBL.BL SYCND .DIS SYSTBL.DIS SYCND .HD RTBL .MAP RTSJ .MAP RTFB .MAP MDUP .MT MDUP .MM MDUP .MS BASICS.SAV LANG .TXT BAS8K .SAV HELP .BAS BASIC .SAV BASICD.SAV RT11BL.SYG DTEXT .DAT DINDX .DAT DUNGEO.SAV LP .OBJ DSAVE .DAT SYCND .MAC SYSTBL.MAC SYSBLD.COM MONBLD.COM DEVBLD.COM 169 Files, 4288 Blocks 474 Free blocks .R DUNGEO Welcome to Dungeon. This version created 18-JUL-80. You are in an open field west of a big white house with a boarded front door. There is a small mailbox here. >OPEN Opening the mailbox reveals: A leaflet. >READ Taken. Welcome to Dungeon! Dungeon is a game of adventure, danger, and low cunning. In it you will explore some of the most amazing territory ever seen by mortal man. Hardened adventurers have run screaming from the terrors contained within. In Dungeon, the intrepid explorer delves into the forgotten secrets of a lost labyrinth deep in the bowels of the earth, searching for vast treasures long hidden from prying eyes, treasures guarded by fearsome monsters and diabolical traps! No DECsystem should be without one! Dungeon was created at the Programming Technology Division of the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science by Tim Anderson, Marc Blank, Bruce Daniels, and Dave Lebling. It was inspired by the Adventure game of Crowther and Woods, and the Dungeons and Dragons game of Gygax and Arneson. The original version was written in MDL (alias MUDDLE). The current version was translated from MDL into FORTRAN IV by a somewhat paranoid DEC engineer who prefers to remain anonymous. On-line information may be obtained with the commands HELP and INFO. >QUIT Your score would be 0 [total of 585 points], in 4 moves. This gives you the rank of Beginner. Do you wish to leave the game? Y .