RK and RL now work with SDHC

I’ve finally found the time to rework the SDHC core from the RH controller to RK and RL – and actually, I found some mistakes in the RH while working on a copy that I had cloned into the RK, so it is in fact the new RK busmaster that is now the source for all three controllers.

I haven’t had the time to extensively test all possible combinations yet – but, the obvious images for RL: XXDP, Unix v7; and RK: DOS/11 and RT-11 V4 all seem to work fine.

Same as for RH, the ‘debug’ LEDs for the controller have now more or less become ‘activity’ LEDs and have a new meaning:

1On: while the controller is trying to connect to the card.
Off: when the card is successfully connected.
2On: if the card is not SDHC.
Off: if the card is SDHC.
3On: if the controller is reading from the card.
4On: if the controller is writing to the card.

Also there are changes to the PiDP-11 console interface. There is a new configurable item in the paneldriver component instantiation (in the top.vhd file) named ‘paneltype’. Set to 1 for a regular PiDP-11, set to 2 if you have the ‘wrong way around’ rotary switches. Or set to 0 to disable the console interface. Finally, I’ve added a way to reset the PDP2011 system from the console: this happens when you press both the rotary switches.

The new version is on the download page. Let me know if you find any issues!

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